Search, Filter & Sort to Find the Perfect Activity Idea for your Program Needs
Fun mindful art project to create a sense of calm.
Very simple energising team-building exercise.
Challenging ascending balance task for an individual.
Thoroughly challenging & entertaining stunt for groups.
Extremely dynamic traversing challenge for pairs.
Simple yet frustrating challenge for individuals & teams.
Powerful & simple relaxation exercise for all groups.
Medley of fun brainteasers & lateral-thinking problems.
Extremely dynamic traversing element for one or more people.
Fun traversing challenge for one or more people.
Team balance challenge designed to explore collaboration & problem-solving skills.
Increasingly difficult traversing challenge for groups.
Variable & dynamic traversing challenge for an individual.
Physical & dynamic traversing challenge for an individual.
Dynamic traversing challenge for one or more people.
Highly coordinated team-based traversing challenge.
Energetic initiative to challenge critical thinking skills.
Extremely fun & dynamic balancing group initiative.
Playful & challenging task for pairs & small groups.
Classic team-based challenge involving vigilant spotting.
Physically demanding swinging & traversing challenge.
Hilarious & suspenseful circle game for all ages.
Challenging group initiative with many permutations.
Dynamic group initiative that promotes collaboration.
Download our free 28-page ebook jam-packed with outrageously fun activity ideas.
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