Search, Filter & Sort to Find the Perfect Activity Idea for your Program Needs
Classic problem-solving exercise to inspire creativity.
Fast, highly interactive & energetic elimination game.
Dynamic group initiative that promotes collaboration.
Energetic group game that builds excitement & participation.
Group juggling challenge that explores creativity & continuous improvement.
Fun, coordinated & highly interactive partner activity.
Collaborative group initiative with many solutions.
Fun energiser that inspires connections in your group.
Challenging group initiative to test critical thinking.
Energetic group initiative to teach systems-thinking.
Dynamic team-forming strategy controlled by your group.
Mathematical group initiative using a deck of cards.
Fun variation of classic problem-solving exercise.
Highly interactive card game to learn names quickly.
Medley of interactive & team-oriented activities.
Dynamic team-building event to build tallest tower.
Active energiser game gets everyone moving with Rock-Paper-Scissors fun.
Team-building challenge that inspires collaboration & creative thinking.
Simple, energetic ball-striking game for teams.
Creative & spatially complex problem-solving exercise.
Highly interactive exercise to explore group values.
Interactive name card game with friendly competition.
Dynamic team-building exercise, ideal for small groups.
Simple, structured & open-ended debrief activity.
Download our free 28-page ebook jam-packed with outrageously fun activity ideas.
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