Search, Filter & Sort to Find the Perfect Activity Idea for your Program Needs
Simple tool to bring intentionality to your programs.
Powerful & simple relaxation exercise for all groups.
Thought-provoking series of cards to inspire engagement.
Creative process to help Individuals & groups set goals.
Fun mindful art project to create a sense of calm.
Engaging strategy that promotes random interaction.
Wonderfully imaginative & reflective exercise for the dark.
Delightfully artful exploration of a person's inner world.
Fun & creative team exercise to explore self-awareness.
Virtual team connection activity that fosters authentic engagement.
Powerful & simple relaxation exercise for all groups.
Gentle, mindful exercise to prepare groups to share.
Fun, interactive & affirming trust-building energiser.
Partner sharing game that helps groups connect through fun preference...
Dynamic team-forming strategy controlled by your group.
Useful set of emotive cards to encourage fun & reflection.
Fun deck of cards to inspire team-building & creativity.
A creative, interactive use for name-tags.
Fun group initiative to promote collaborative skills.
Creative physical warm-up for partners of all abilities.
Fun partner exercise that develops trust & listening skills.
Time estimation challenge that develops mindfulness & problem-solving skills.
Active team challenge activity builds confidence & team spirit.
Classic group initiative that inspires collaboration.
Download our free 28-page ebook jam-packed with outrageously fun activity ideas.
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