Search, Filter & Sort to Find the Perfect Activity Idea for your Program Needs
Fun group initiative to explore the skill of multitasking.
Fun lateral thinking puzzle to sharpen observation skills.
Thrilling & fast-paced game of stealth for small groups.
Enthralling team-based guessing game for small groups.
Circle passing game involving an engaging challenge & hilarious confusion.
Energetic & zany series of sequential stunts.
Very entertaining team-based charade-style game.
Extremely fun & energetic life-sized board game for teams.
Large group energiser that naturally builds participation & engagement through...
Clever ‘what’s-the-key’ exercise that may drive you crazy.
Fast-paced, frenetic word game to inspire creativity.
Simple, yet dynamic & fast-paced group initiative.
Strategies that facilitate early engagement & interaction.
Team-based adaptation of the commercial game Boggle.
Dynamic expansion of a classic spotting skills exercise.
Highly interactive ice-breaker, energiser & team event.
Simple, interactive ice-breaker with many variations.
Fun, interactive & affirming trust-building energiser.
Creative, highly energetic & enduring tag game.
One of those frustrating, yet very fun rhythmic name-games.
One of the most exciting & fun dice games, ever.
Partner sharing game that helps groups connect through fun preference...
Challenging group initiative to test critical thinking.
Quick, simple & random partner-matching strategy.
Download our free 28-page ebook jam-packed with outrageously fun activity ideas.
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