Search, Filter & Sort to Find the Perfect Activity Idea for your Program Needs
Delightfully artful exploration of a person's inner world.
Fast-paced story-making & sharing reflection tool.
Highly versatile reflection strategy for all groups.
Fun mindful 'unofficial start' exercise & brain break.
Fun & creative team exercise to explore self-awareness.
Simple yet frustrating challenge for individuals & teams.
Powerful & simple relaxation exercise for all groups.
Gentle, mindful exercise to prepare groups to share.
Highly entertaining drawing experience for partners.
Fun reflection exercise that fosters open dialogue.
One of those frustrating, yet very fun rhythmic name-games.
Extremely fun & engaging small group creative task.
Fun energiser that inspires connections in your group.
Creative story-making exercise to build connections.
Playful elimination game for small & large groups.
Simple, non-threatening strategy to invite sharing.
Simple & powerfully emotive processing strategy.
Fun variation of the classic Simon Says group exercise.
Blindfold group initiative to sharpen listening skills.
Fascinating group game that sharpens observation skills.
Fun partner exercise that develops trust & listening skills.
Circle game activity that naturally builds anticipation & engagement.
Unique mathematical puzzle to challenge small teams.
Extremely fun & zany large group mimic exercise.
Download our free 28-page ebook jam-packed with outrageously fun activity ideas.
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