


$19.00 USD

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This colourful & engaging team puzzle features 80+ clues designed to be solved by small groups working together.


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Want a Fun & Engaging Team Puzzle for Young People?


Connectiles 2 is a colourful and fun team puzzle featuring more than 80 clues designed for small groups to solve together.

Building on the success of our original Connectiles team game, this latest puzzle is purposefully designed for young people (but is equally fun for adults.)

The goal is to match and align the edges of 25 illustrated tiles to produce a 5 x 5 grid. Matching clues reflect ‘things in common’ and include literacy, numeracy, imagery and cryptic puzzles.

When complete, a series of letters featured in the centre of the tiles spell a 25-character sentence highlighting a valuable lesson.

This unique team puzzle is highly interactive and engaging, inspiring collaboration and critical-thinking skills. It is great for team-building programs or to fill idle time at the beginning or middle of your programs. Owing to its simpler nature, it is ideal for young people aged 10 to 16.


What You Get


After your payment is confirmed, the puzzle will be available to download as 4 x print-ready PDF (1MB) files:

  1. Large puzzle tiles (each tile is 130 x 130 mm) – two tiles to a page
  2. Small puzzle tiles (each tile is 62 x 62 mm) – up to 9 tiles to a page
  3. Solution grid (displaying all 25 tiles)
  4. Blank template (to create your own team puzzle)

We suggest printing the tiles onto (at least) 210gsm coloured cards and/or laminating them for extra durability.

Copyright playmeo, 2024.

  • Ming headshot for testimonial

    Your groups will be mesmerised the minute they set their eyes on the tiles. So much fun, thank you.

    Ming, teacher, Australia

  • Jill headshot for testimonial

    I have never seen our staff engage so quickly with a puzzle before. Highly recommended.

    Jill, corporate trainer, USA

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