News & Events 12 Jul 22 48 Comments

Ten Years Young

Experiential Trainer, Author & Speaker

Today, the 12th of July is the 10th anniversary of playmeo.com.

As the founder and developer of this ever-expanding online activity database, ten years seem to have passed by as quick as the blink of an eye.

Ten years ago we launched our first 120 activities and offered recurring monthly plans for individuals only. There were only 8 x activity types and 14 x group and program attributes you could use to search for your perfect activity ideas. Looking back over our records, we welcomed approx 300 members by the end of our first year.

Today, our database features 530+ activities, 10 x activity types and 40+ searchable attributes. Having grown by more than 30% year on year for a long time now, we welcome dozens of new members every month to join our existing 5K+ members from all over the world. We attract a further 70K users to our website every month who value our free resources.

What’s next, you might ask?


Growth with a Purpose


As we describe here, playmeo is committed to helping people connect through play. This part is clear.

What’s not so clear is what our world may look like in 10, 50 or even 100 years from now.

We’re not interested in growing for the sake of growth. And while admirable, we’re not even interested in growing in a sustainable way. We are committed to growing in a responsible way. Responsible to our members, our community and to the planet.

This can be hard work sometimes and this may explain why I/we don’t always get things right.


The Thing About Hard Things


I recognise the fortunate position we find ourselves in today and am humbled by the support of thousands of playmeo members all over the world.

So, I’ve been thinking a lot about what I want the next few years to look like for playmeo, and one thing jumps out at me. Looking to find the right words to say, I stumbled across this tweet recently which expressed it better than I could:


Courtland Allen tweet


It’s time to do the hard things, and in most cases, the hard things are where playmeo and I make the most difference in the lives of others.

Guided by this spirit, you can expect some exciting new developments coming your way.

Two of the hardest nuts to crack (first) are building a community of members within the playmeo ecosystem, and to produce a collection of online courses that will help even more educators and trainers learn the finer skills of using group games & activities to help their groups connect (and hence, amplify whatever they are trying to get done.)

Bring on this next year.

And the next ten…


Original post July 2022, last updated July 2022.

By - Experiential Trainer, Author & Speaker
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